
Durkheim's Blog

DBC Phase 0, Week 9

Blog Spruce-Up

February 22, 2015

During week 9 of phase 0, we were tasked with sprucing up our personal blogs to make them look more professional. This was a great opportunity to refresh my understanding of CSS and update my bag of tricks.

While pairing last week, my partner introduced me to overflow: scroll as a means of adding a scrollbar to a div. This really added a touch of "modernism" to my blog, which originally looked like something out of the mid-90s. I also played around with border radius and linear gradients to add more stylistic flourishes.

One of the most challenging aspects of revamping my blog was applying changes to past posts. Significant updates had to be made to the html and the stylesheet. This was a lesson to be more mindful of the future when writing code. The code should be adaptive to change in order to minimize back tracking. As I made updates, I was more careful and thorough when creating divs, classes, and ids.

While my blog has improved, I plan on dedicating next Sunday to adding more updates and improving my personal website. I especially want to experiment with DOM-manipulation. Despite painpoints around updating past blog posts, it was great to see how I've improved in html and CSS.

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