Prior to starting phase 0 at Dev Bootcamp, I took a quiz that assessed my thinking style according to the Gregorc Mind Styles model. Based on the results, my thinking style is Concrete Sequential, which means I learn best when information is presented sequentially with proof and examples.
In the context of Dev Bootcamp, this thinking style is evident by how I approach each week's material and challenges. I tend to work sequentially, while building on previous material and referencing examples in order to better understand concepts.
While I've benefited from a Concrete Sequential thinking style when learning the material, it doesn't immediately lend itself to solving problems that are more abstract or complex. When I approach writing code, I tend to address each requirement line by line, rather than breaking down a problem into parts and coding for each. As problems become more complex, a non-linear piecemeal approach will help me conceptualize solutions. I think of coding like solving a jigsaw puzzle, and it's hard to imagine someone solving a 500-piece puzzle in order. That is, of course, unless YOU do...which is totally fine.
While the quiz deemed that I have a Concrete Sequential thinking style, it's important to note that the Gregorc model does come with a caveat. No one is strictly one style. The model is just referencing your dominant style. Furthermore, if we think about Carol Dweck's theory on growth mindset, it's possible for people to change their thinking style based on how they exercise their minds given tasks. While working through this week's problems, I already feel myself thinking more abstractly about concepts when pseudocoding.
As I progress through Dev Bootcamp, I hope to expand on my Conrete Sequential thinking and become more abstract when tackling larger problems. It wasn't until writing this post that I considered how this change may already be taking place.